Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Well, it's been an interesting beginning to the month. My mom came back from Phoenix, she was there for two months and had a blast. While she was here, we did some shopping, hung out at her hotel and went out to eat a ton. It was lots of fun and really good to see her after a couple of months. She bought Braxton some toys and a few new clothes. He needed summer-ish clothes, so that was really nice. It cuts down the amount of things I need to get him later.
Chris has been working on a new project that apparently he's doing very well with. He told me today that they have a new CTO who started yesterday. Hopefully it will be an easy transition and they'll realize how good Chris is at his job.
He's been playing Dungeons and Dragons on Wednesdays at our friend's place. It's nice now that they moved it to the Dewey's place because it means he's just around the corner instead of clear out in Eagle Mountain. He's really enjoying it and comes home full of stories. He's thinking about starting his own campaign, we've just been too busy for him to put it together.
I'm doing well, been a little tired lately with the time change screwing things all up. Braxton has always been an early riser, but he's been getting up way earlier the last couple days and I'm starting to feel it. Oh well, things will reset eventually.
I've been spending most of my free time reading. I just worked my way through the newest Shannara novels, I've been reading those since I was about 14. They were great, but brought up some questions that I would love for him to fill in at some point. Who knows if he will. Right now I'm reading a young adult series by the author of the Earthsea novels...I can't remember her name right now. They are interesting, but I'm not sure if I like them.
We're sad that all the shows have reached their season finales. We'll miss Burn Notice and Leverage especially. But I'll miss Psych too. We are excited for new episodes of Stargate: Universe though, and I can not wait for In Plain Sight to start up again. I've also been watching Legend of the Seeker. Yay for Netflix!
Braxton is doing SO well. I can not believe how big he is. We were out playing in the back yard today with some of the other kids from the neighborhood and he was as tall as one of the little boys who is 3 months older than him. He's got 7 teeth now, and one more about to break through any day now. He's also got molars coming in, so he's been chewing on EVERYTHING he can get his hands on. I've had to take away all his books and just read to him on the couch. He's been healthy and strong and hasn't been sick since we all got food poisoning.
As a family we're looking forward to the nice weather so that we can go outside and play more. I want to be able to take him to the library or the park without having to worry about being snowed on.

Well, that's it for now. We hope you all have a wonderful week and stay happy. Bright Blessings on you all.