Sunday, June 28, 2009


Well, Monday was the worst morning we've had in a long time. We got caught in horrible traffic on the way to the chiro, then when we finally made it out of there, on the way to work with Chris, we almost got into a head on collision because some idiot was driving the wrong direction on the road. Then, we got a voicemail from the pediatrician's office saying that the doc was sick and so Braxton's appointment had to be rescheduled. Sigh. After I had gone all the way in with Chris and was hanging out at work. So we decided to come home, but Chris wanted me to call the dentist first because he was having SERIOUS pain with his extraction sites. So I gave them a call, even though they were on vacation. The dentist wanted to meet us at 11:30, so we bailed out on work and went to see him. Found out that Chris had dry socket, which was causing the pain, so the dentist gave him some stuff to help and some higher dose percocet and sent us home. Thankfully the rest of the day went just fine.
Tuesday was a normal day, not much happened, we just kinda hung out. Chris stayed home while recovering from the dry sockets and we watched a lot of tv. Wednesday he was back at work, and Braxton and I had a normal day. However, Wednesday was also our 3rd anniversary, so we had a special dinner of wild lobster tails and steak.
Thursday and Friday were also normal. though we did have lunch with Wyatt on Friday, which was wonderful. He's doing great and it was really nice to see him. On Saturday we went and viewed 3 houses in our never ending search for a new place to live. I was getting really discouraged because it seemed like either every place was too expensive, didn't allow pets, already rented by the time I called, or nobody ever emailed me back. And when they did email back, it was a scam, they just wanted me to send them money. I was starting to really wonder if we'd EVER find a new place.
We got lucky on Saturday and actually found a place that we like. It's smaller than here, but not by too much. It's also a bit of a fixer upper, but we can deal with that. One nice thing about it is that it has an option to possibly buy it. So we filled out an application. Hopefully we'll get approved and I can stop searching.
Today we decided was our day to really celebrate our anniversary, so we had Anna babysit, and we went out to a movie and dinner. It was great! We saw Transformers 2, which rocked! It was awesome and we were so glad we went to see it.
Then we went to dinner at Olive Garden. Yummy as always. Though dessert was a Black Tie Mousse Cake thing that almost put me into sugar overload. LOL. It was yummy though.
Anna said that Braxton did fine, wouldn't eat much and only slept for 20 minutes, but wasn't too fussy. He was glad to see us and we were glad to see him too. I go through baby withdrawals if I'm not around him. I think that's because I'm so used to having him with me every minute of every day. It's nice to have a bit of a break now and then though.
Well, that's all our news for now. Hope you all are well. See ya soon.

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