Saturday, December 26, 2009


Christmas Eve was a lot of fun. Dorie and Jake came over about 4 and we had dinner and watched movies. Then we opened up the presents that we usually do on Christmas Eve. Just something small. Braxton got an Elmo doll, which he LOVED. He was way excited. Chris got GI Joe on DVD, I got a Wii Fit from Dorie and Jake, which I have wanted for like 2 years now and from Chris I got Quantum of Solace. Then everyone left and we put the baby to bed. Chris and I stayed up for a bit and played video games.
Braxton's first (real) Christmas was a bit hit. Things went really well. Chris talked me into getting up when Braxton first woke up...7 am is a bit early for my taste. But I got up and we opened presents. Then when Braxton went back to sleep, Chris and I started the stuff for lunch and just chilled for a bit.
Braxton made a haul! He got a Cookie Monster doll (to go with Big Bird and Elmo), a ball popper thing (which is his very favorite present of them all), a ride-on alphabet train that you can also push, a puzzle, a snow suit, socks, a new hat and mittens, and he'll be getting snow boots from grandma. He also got a stocking with teething gel, a toothbrush and toothpaste, some snacks and a treat.
Chris got some fly fishing stuff, including a new reel, a leader tying kit, a multi tool, and a stainless steel water bottle. He also got a picture collage of Braxton growing up, and I ordered him a bunch of tea samplers from online. He got a stocking with some candies, bubble gum, and then a few household things.
I got a bunch of DVDs. Chris bought me the Complete Farscape (!!!!!!), the Star Trek: The Next Generation movie pack, The Dark Knight, Studio 60, and V, the original miniseries, the movie and the TV show. All of which I was very excited about.
Well, that's all from us. We're just getting ready to head down to mom's tomorrow morning. We'll be back on Tuesday. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you all have a very Happy New Year. Loves!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Braxton's Birthday!

Well, last night was Braxton's party. It was a lot of fun, Mark and Kamis came over, and brought Carmen. We had pizza for dinner and then Braxton had a chocolate cake. While the adults had cheesecake.
He made a haul in presents. He got bath toys, a stuffed Big Bird, Sesame Street board books, and a singing book, a piano, a table that does a bunch of songs, ABC's, Numbers, and spanish. He also got a little garbage truck.
He seemed to have lots of fun, and was REALLY wound up by the end of the night. He didn't go to sleep until pretty late. But it was fun and we're glad that we did it.
Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

First Birthday and Christmas!

Well, let's see here. As time flies on, we're getting closer and closer to both Christmas and Braxton's first birthday. Chris and I spent most of the day today doing shopping. Our normal Saturday grocery shopping, along with some birthday and Christmas shopping. Mostly for Braxton.
He's getting a new car seat, forward facing (YAY), a V-tech Sing Along Piano, a plush Cookie Monster, a little garbage truck, some Baby Einstein books, and a snow suit. He'll also be getting at least one other toy, and some snow boots, but those have to wait til we get paid again.
Oh, last night was Chris's work Christmas party. Anna babysat for us so we could go and have fun. It was a total BLAST! We went and played Blackjack for most of the party. We started out with 1,000 dollars a piece and by the end of the time, between us we made about 100,000. Too bad it wasn't real money. ~_^ Then they did the door prizes and Chris won an IPod Shuffle. One of the REALLY little ones. Hopefully he'll be able to keep track of it. He tends to lose little things like that...
Now for updates on everyone and upcoming plans...
Chris is working really hard on a new project at work, and so is having to stop "working" from home on Wednesdays until it's done, but that's ok. He's feeling much better, got over the swine flu and we were lucky enough to catch it before it gave him pneumonia or bronchitis. He's still playing Dungeons and Dragons on Wednesday nights with Mark and his friends. He's also thinking about starting his own group here in the neighborhood, because he would like me to try playing.
I am doing well. Busy with Braxton most of the time, and that seems to be about it. I've been reading as much as possible when he sleeps or is otherwise occupied. I've mostly been reading some new young adult series, about vampires for the most part. If anyone is interested in a good quick read, they should check out Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy series. Or The Morganville Vampire series by Rachel Caine. Both are really good. I have been spending lots of time with my new friends Dorie and Kamis. It's really nice having girlfriends again. I didn't realize how much I missed that support and love you can only get from another girl.
Braxton is doing amazing. He weighs about 22 pounds now and is about 30 inches tall already. He's a tall little boy. He's walking without a problem and talking up a storm. He knows about 20 words now, the newest one being "that." He walks around pointing at stuff saying "that, that that." He's learning to be really soft with the kitties and with us as well. We're constantly amazed at how fast he is growing and changing. I can not believe he is going to be a year old in just a few days. We switched to cloth diapers (I know, kinda late in the game) in an effort to save a little money every month. I have to say that I really like them and I'm really glad we changed to them. They haven't been as much of a hassle as I thought that they would be. Braxton seems to like them as well. They certainly provide more padding for those rare times when he does fall.
Upcoming plans...well, on Thursday the 17th, we're throwing Braxton a party for his birthday. Nothing too big, just a few people, presents and some cake. He's getting a chocolate cake, cause that's his favorite. Then that Friday, we've been invited to the ward Christmas party here. Don't know yet if we're gonna go, but we'll see.
That Saturday, Chris is going to hang out with Scott and his friend Carl. They are going to do "man things." On the 22nd, Anna is headed to Washington to be with her mom, so I'll be running her to the airport. Then on the 23rd, I get to do all my Christmas shopping for Chris. I hate that it has to be 2 days before Christmas, but what can you do? We don't get paid again until then.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are going to be normal for us, we're going to spend time as a family and have a nice dinner, then open presents.
After that we're heading to Cedar for a couple of days to spend time with mom and my friends down there (if they are around). That's as far ahead as we dare plan right now.

We hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy and we love you all.
Here's a little video of Braxton's newest trick...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving and swine flu...

Well, it's been a crazy few weeks. We spent most of the month of November just doing normal things until the week of Thanksgiving. The Saturday before, Chris came down with what we THOUGHT was a cold. It stuck around, and by Tuesday, his throat was SO sore, he could barely swallow. So, we went to the urgent care clinic here because our family doc was already on vacation. Turns out, Chris had swine flu and had to be quarantined. Well, that pretty much killed our plans for going to Boise. Sigh. So instead, we made our own food. Did a turkey and stuffing, corn, rolls, etc. Everything you should have on Thanksgiving.
It turned out really well, the food was great. Unfortunately, I was not able to help cook, as Braxton got a fever on Wednesday night and it didn't break until way early Friday morning. So all day on Thursday he was tired, listless and cranky. He didn't get sick though because we started dosing him with propolis and garlic right away. He didn't like it much, but I figure making him hate me for taking medicine is better than letting him get sick. Thankfully Chris was better by Saturday, and then I got a sore throat. ONLY that though. No other symptoms. And now it's gone. It was mostly gone by Monday, I only coughed when I laughed.
We're all feeling better now and we're going on with normal life. Getting ready for Braxton's first birthday and for Christmas.
That's all for now, hope everyone is well. Love to all!

Monday, November 9, 2009's been SO long!

I'm SO SO sorry that it's been so long. It was a crazy summer. I'll give a quick update of what happened in August, September and October. Well, we moved at the very end of July, and that kind of carried into the beginning of August as well. Unfortunately at that time, Chris had to look for a new job so that added a ton of stress to everything. Luckily he was able to find a new job in couple of weeks. He started at InContact on Aug 10th and has been very happy there so far. He got a raise and MUCH better benefits, so it was a plus in every way.
At the end of August, my grandma passed away and then we went to Boise. We actually had our tripped planned for a month or so before, but then grandma passed and it was kind of too late to change our plans. We went up to visit family and friends and see Marta/Matt while they were down here from Canada. It was awesome, and we were really glad to see them and that they got to see Braxton.
In September we didn't really have much going on other than getting settled still into the new place and Mom's B-day.
October was pretty normal as well, Braxton was a monkey for Halloween, but we didn't go trick or treating with him, he helped me hand out candy at home.
Okay, now for the individual updates.
Chris has been doing really well, he loves his new job and has made some new friends here in the complex that he hangs out with. He goes to Dungeons and Dragons on Wednesday nights, and has been liking that. He actually likes it so much that he's thinking about starting his own group. Unfortunately, he was sick all of last week with the flu, so that wasn't fun. It started out as a terrible headache, then moved to the rest of his body. On Wednesday after we went to dinner with my mom, he started throwing up. He threw up so hard that he actually ripped the lining in his stomach and was throwing up blood. But he's feeling much better today and went back to work this morning.
I'm doing well, resisiting getting sick and feeling pretty healthy. I'm spending most of my time trying to keep up with the energizer bunny that is my baby. He's lots of fun but rather tiring at times. I've made some new friends here as well and that has done wonders for my mental health. I missed having people to talk to and do things with. I'm so glad to know the people who live in the complex here. This is the best place we've lived to date by far! The first day we were here, just about everyone came over and introduced themselves. It was wonderful.
Braxton and I spent Thursday and Friday with my mom on her visit up here. It was really great, we bought Braxton winter clothes and just spent time together. We also took Braxton to the park for the first time and he went on the swings. He had a blast.
Braxton is growing up SO fast. He's been walking since he was a little over 9 months old. He'll be 11 months old on the 20th, so he's been walking for almost 2 months now. Goodness, how time flies. He's about 22 lbs and is wearing 12 to 18 month clothes for the most part. He still has some shirts and pants that were a little too big, so he still fits in them. He's doing really well, he's so dang smart. He's been talking for a while now and says about 15-20 words already. Among them are "hi, bye, kitty, mama (only when he's mad or stuck), daddy, yummy, book, yucky, bear, tree and baby." There are more, but I can't remember them all. He's wearing shoes now too, because the weather is changing and the ground is too cold for him to be barefoot anymore.
He's going through both stranger and separation anxiety, so that's been fun for me. The stranger one goes away after a few minutes, but I'm still not allowed to leave the room unless someone else is in there with him. He screams if I have to leave and he's alone. So much for eating during the day.
We're heading to Boise for Thanksgiving this year, and doing Christmas with my mom. Hope everything is well for all of you and that we hear from you soon.
I'll try to do a better job of updating...Love you all!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Long time no see...

Sorry that it's been so long again. Things got totally crazy around here. As you probably know, we've been trying to find a new place to live. Mainly because we just couldn't afford to live here anymore, but also surprise...she's selling the house. So yeah, we kinda need to go. We found a nice town home in American Fork, about 5 miles from here. It's a bit smaller, but we'll be saving around 450 a month on rent and utilities, so we don't care. It's a nice place, but we are going to have to downsize our furniture a bit. The entertainment center has to go, cause it's just too big, and our desks as well. We're losing a bedroom, going from 4 to 3, which is why our desks need to be downsized. Uh, we're getting rid of our table and chairs as well because we NEVER use it, and it's just a place for us to stack stuff...which is the last thing we need.
So yeah, I've been busy first trying to find us a place, and now that we have one, trying to get everything ready for our 8th move in 3 years....YAY! NOT! Packing is the not fun part, but at least when we unpack I can babyproof from the beginning. Which is good because...drum roll please....Braxton has started crawling! And boy is he fast!
Okay, so to update everything else, we went to my mom's for the 4th of July, and had a lot of fun. We saw her garden space out at Adam and Marnell's, it's way nice. She's finally able to have a bit garden again, but not have to do all the work by herself. She also painted her bathroom, which looks nice, a little green for me, but it works well. She's working on getting the rest of the house ready, especially her bedroom which has a bit of water damage going on. She's going to bring Aura down to live with her because unfortunately, my grandma isn't able to live with just one person to take care of her anymore. She's being put into a nursing home because she really needs round the clock care.
Um, let's see what else...Oh, Chris went fishing with his dad this last weekend and had some good luck. He brought home a nice size trout. He had a good time and I was glad for him that he was able to go. He's working on a new project with some people in Boise, on his own time. He's contracted right now for 40 hours, and in exchange he's getting some shares in the company. He's pretty excited about the opportunity. It's a little bit of an inconvenient time with the moving, but oh well.
As for Braxton, he's doing great. At his last checkup, which was his 6 month, done on July 6th, he weighed 18 lbs 2.5 oz. And was 27 inches in length. That puts him in the average percentile range for weight, and the 95th for length. He's crawling now, and babbling lots, knows Mama, Dada and Nana (which is his name for Anna). He's signing for milk, mommy and daddy, and is loving his new high chair. His favorite snack is crackers, he loves to munch them. He has a tooth or possibly 2 coming in on the bottom, and has been chewing on everything he can get his hands on to help with that.
He's using the sippy cup really well now, and loves to have juice, which he also signs for, but uses the sign for milk because he can't really tell the difference yet. I'm looking forward to moving into a place with a fenced in yard so that he can go outside and play a little. There is also a playground right outside the gate, so that will be wonderful too. He's been having big boy baths in the tub because he outgrew his infant tub, but I haven't had the chance to get him a bigger one yet. That's next on my list after we move.
I think that's everything. I hope you all are doing well and that everything is going great for you. Have a wonderful week (or possibly 2 hehe) and I'll see you again soon.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Well, Monday was the worst morning we've had in a long time. We got caught in horrible traffic on the way to the chiro, then when we finally made it out of there, on the way to work with Chris, we almost got into a head on collision because some idiot was driving the wrong direction on the road. Then, we got a voicemail from the pediatrician's office saying that the doc was sick and so Braxton's appointment had to be rescheduled. Sigh. After I had gone all the way in with Chris and was hanging out at work. So we decided to come home, but Chris wanted me to call the dentist first because he was having SERIOUS pain with his extraction sites. So I gave them a call, even though they were on vacation. The dentist wanted to meet us at 11:30, so we bailed out on work and went to see him. Found out that Chris had dry socket, which was causing the pain, so the dentist gave him some stuff to help and some higher dose percocet and sent us home. Thankfully the rest of the day went just fine.
Tuesday was a normal day, not much happened, we just kinda hung out. Chris stayed home while recovering from the dry sockets and we watched a lot of tv. Wednesday he was back at work, and Braxton and I had a normal day. However, Wednesday was also our 3rd anniversary, so we had a special dinner of wild lobster tails and steak.
Thursday and Friday were also normal. though we did have lunch with Wyatt on Friday, which was wonderful. He's doing great and it was really nice to see him. On Saturday we went and viewed 3 houses in our never ending search for a new place to live. I was getting really discouraged because it seemed like either every place was too expensive, didn't allow pets, already rented by the time I called, or nobody ever emailed me back. And when they did email back, it was a scam, they just wanted me to send them money. I was starting to really wonder if we'd EVER find a new place.
We got lucky on Saturday and actually found a place that we like. It's smaller than here, but not by too much. It's also a bit of a fixer upper, but we can deal with that. One nice thing about it is that it has an option to possibly buy it. So we filled out an application. Hopefully we'll get approved and I can stop searching.
Today we decided was our day to really celebrate our anniversary, so we had Anna babysit, and we went out to a movie and dinner. It was great! We saw Transformers 2, which rocked! It was awesome and we were so glad we went to see it.
Then we went to dinner at Olive Garden. Yummy as always. Though dessert was a Black Tie Mousse Cake thing that almost put me into sugar overload. LOL. It was yummy though.
Anna said that Braxton did fine, wouldn't eat much and only slept for 20 minutes, but wasn't too fussy. He was glad to see us and we were glad to see him too. I go through baby withdrawals if I'm not around him. I think that's because I'm so used to having him with me every minute of every day. It's nice to have a bit of a break now and then though.
Well, that's all our news for now. Hope you all are well. See ya soon.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

6 months!!

Well, Braxton is officially 6 months old today. It's crazy how time flies. He's so big now, though I don't know exactly how much he's grown yet. I will on Monday at his appointment. I'll post again after that so you all know how big he's getting.
I'm doing well, just hanging out and taking care of the family. Getting a little annoyed with the search for a new place. I haven't had much luck so far. All the places are either too expensive, don't allow pets, trashy, or the people never email me back. Chris keeps reminding me that we don't HAVE to move out of here by the end of July, cause our lease goes month to month, but I just don't think we can afford to keep living here anymore. I'm combing craigslist several times a day for both Provo/Orem and Salt Lake trying to find anything worthwhile. I've had a few leads, but like I said, people don't ever email me back. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though and hoping.
Chris is doing fairly well, he had his wisdom teeth extracted on Thursday, so he's still recovering from that. They gave him percocet, which makes him sleepy and groggy. He's recovering well though, except for some aches in the jaws. He's been working some long hours trying to get the website done, but they have finally gone back to normal. We're so glad.
Unfortunately, his grandpa Tom passed away on Wednesday night after a battle with cancer and pnuemonia. We're happy that he's not suffering and in pain anymore, but we'll miss him.
On a brighter note, we're planning a quick trip down south to see mom and all our friends down there over the 4th of July. We hope everyone will be around. I'd love to see all my school friends and show Braxton to them.
Then the next weekend Chris is going to go fishing with his dad. It'll be just Chris going because we're poor and can't afford 2 trips in a month for the whole family, so yeah, just Chris.
Well, I think that's everything for now but I'll post again on Monday after the appointment.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Hey all, I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to update. We had some events going on that caused me to not have much free time. My birthday was great, I got the Twilight books from Anna, and some other books that I've wanted from Chris. He made dinner and homemade cookies as well. It was a really fun day.
Unfortunately right after that, we heard that his grandpa had gotten sick and was in the hospital, so we made an emergency trip up to Boise and spent some time with him. We were there for 5 days, and then we headed home. It was a hard trip, but we got to see everyone and Braxton did really well with all the traveling.
Then the week after that, Chris ended up working SO much to make up for missing the week before. He was getting up a 7 am to go in, and then getting home at 3 or 4 in the morning. He worked a whole week on a few hours of sleep a night. He ended up crashing pretty hard on Saturday.
The last few days he's been working a lot too because they are trying to get the website done. I've been doing a lot of parenting by myself, and I have to say...I did NOT sign up to be a single parent and I don't like it at all! I'll be glad when I can have my husband back and Braxton can have his father back.
Well, let's see, what else. Oh, Chris has a dentist appointment in mid july to FINALLY get those teeth fixed so that they will stop bothering him. We're looking forward to that. But before that, we've got Braxton's 6 month checkup and vaccinations. I know for a fact that he's over 17 lbs because I weigh him every week at the chiropractor. We've also got a fishing/visiting trip in the beginning of July. Chris is going fishing/camping with his dad and uncles and Braxton and I are going visiting in the city.
It will be great to see everyone. Then we'll be coming home and moving! I think I found a house today, we're gonna set up a time to go see it. But I feel really good about this house and I'm hoping we can make it work.
Anna is still living here, and will be for as long as she wants to. We're working on getting her into school full time since she just lost her job. She's wanted to go to school for years, but hasn't been in a situation that allowed her to until now. We're happy we can help her get there.
I think that's everything for now. I'll update again soon. Love ya!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Well, this one will be just a small update. Our lives have been pretty normal the last few days. Mom left the day before Mother's Day after a really great visit. Then on Mother's Day we pretty much just spent time as a family. Chris and Braxton got me a great card and made me a wonderful breakfast.
I'm looking forward to my birthday on Friday, it should be pretty fun.
This last week we've just been going about business as usual. Though I finally did something yesterday that I've been wanting to do for years, I made my hair curly. I'll post a pic when I get some taken. Other than that, the only news is that we're gonna have to move again because we can no longer pay rent at this place, it's just costing us too much. So we have to downsize a bit. We have no idea where we're moving to yet, but we know when. Our lease here is up at the end of July, so we'll be moving the first part of August.
That's all for now. Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Well, let's see, this last saturday, we helped Anna move in because she was having some roommate issues. So far, things are working out great. She works odd hours, so we don't see much of her during the week, but it's nice having someone else around. The rest of the week was pretty much normal. We saw Dr. Kristina on Monday and got adjusted. We started sweet potatoes, which he likes well enough, and avocado, which he also likes well enough. Bananas are still his favorite. We're gonna start carrots soon, then pears.
Yesterday my mom drove up and got to meet Braxton for the first time. We took him over to her hotel for a few minutes before bed last night. Well, today, Braxton and I went over there at 9 this morning and we spent the whole day with her. We started out at Wal-Mart, mom got Braxton some clothes, swim diapers and got me some pants.
We then drove into the city and went to South Towne Mall. We went to the Children's Place and bought Braxton a bunch of really great clothes. He had almost NO 6-9 month clothes, and what he did have were all more winter appropriate. So we bought him a bunch of summer clothes. 7 shirts, 3 pairs of shorts, a pair of pants, some overalls, a hat and some shoes. They are all really great and I'm glad that she did it.
After that we were all pretty tired, so we went back to the hotel where Braxton took a nap and we rested for a while. After his nap, we took him swimming for the first time. OH MY GOSH! He was SO excited. He kicked up a storm from the first second he was in the pool until he fell asleep in the car seat on the way home!
I laughed so much because he was trying his hardest to get out of grandma's arms and SWIM! We're gonna take him again tomorrow. But wow, did that tire him out, he fell asleep on the way home, and it's a 5 minute ride. Tomorrow should be another full day, we're going to see Dr. Kristina again, then mom, Braxton and I are going to do more shopping. Then some swimming.
Chris has been working some crazy hours and I'm hoping they will be over soon. He hopes so too.
Well, that's all for now, we hope everyone has a great weekend, a great Mother's Day and a wonderful week.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


So far this week has been pretty normal, we went to the chiropractor on Monday morning and everyone got adjusted. We've seen a huge improvement in Chris over the last few months, his care has been the most intensive. But I'm also making good progress. The adjustments have helped Braxton so much as well. He's no longer spitting up except on very rare occasions. He's also much healthier and stronger because of the treatments.
We started mixing some banana in with Braxton's cereal at the beginning of the week and so far, he's loving it. He likes the cereal okay by itself, but loves it with the flavor in it. I can't say that I would like flavorless mush all that much myself. I've got some sweet potatoes, carrots and butternut squash all ready prepared and frozen for him. We'll start sweet potatoes next week after the 4 day rule is up for the bananas. He's adjusting to the solids very well and seems to look forward to his next feeding.
I've enjoyed watching him over the last week, he's growing so fast and getting very strong. He's still interested in sitting up all the time, but he still wobbles from side to side if he's not on my lap. He's also been talking a lot more, and has started squealing and growling along with the other sounds he makes.
I've been working my way through JAG (Judge Advocate General) on tv the last few days. I can't really read much anymore because if Braxton is awake, he's grabbing for the pages and if he's sleeping, it's generally sprawled out enough that I'm pretty much incapacitated by it. I'm lucky to be able to reach the couch which is right next to my chair.
I talked to my mom yesterday and she said that everything is going well for her, she's planning a trip up here to see Braxton and I around Mother's Day. That should be a lot of fun. Chris has some stuff planned for my birthday, which is the 15th of May, and I'm looking forward to that.
It looks like Anna will be moving in for a while as she's had a bit of a setback with her roommates. We told her to come and stay with us because she didn't really have anywhere else to go and we have an extra room. We're looking forward to having her here.
Chris is doing well, he's been working a lot. I guess they've been having some issues with their servers at work. So he's been putting in some extra hours trying to get it all resolved. We're hoping it will calm down a bit so that he can start up his martial arts classes again.
All in all it's been a pretty normal week, so I think I'm done now. I'll update again over the weekend. See ya!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A little update

So here's how things stand right now, Chris is working lots of hours at his job with Zonder. They have been having some server issues, so he's been working late and on the weekends. He loves what he's doing and we are so grateful for that. He's feeling much better lately since we were able to stop those horrible injections and get some of those medications out of his body. He's been losing weight and feeling great! He's taken up going to the gym a few times a week because it's his goal to be able to bike to work. Just so you know, work is about 30 miles away from our house, one way...we hope he can get to a point where he can do it.
I'm enojying spending time at home with Braxton. I'm so grateful that Chris has a good job so I don't have to worry about going to work. I've loved watching Braxton as he grows and seeing the new things he does every day. It's my goal to get him to laugh and smile as much as I can every day. He amazes me with how fast he's growing. Other than that, I don't do much, I go into the city 2 times a week for chiropractic care, which Chris and Braxton also recieve. Then on Fridays, I go over to Anna's house and we hang out til she has to go to work. We go out to eat every couple of weeks and have set a goal for ourselves to try a new place each time we go out.
Braxton is a little over 4 months old right now and getting so big! He's up to about 15.5 lbs and 24 inches long. He did wonderfully at his 4 month checkup and our pediatrician was impressed with how strong he is. He's working on several skills right now, sitting up, scooting and rolling over. Sitting up is his obession though, he LOVES to sit up. He's such a chatterbox, he's always talking, and has started growling now as well. He enjoys being upside down, and always flings his head over my arm when I'm sitting in the rocking chair. He's liking the rice cereal, and next week we're gonna start bananas in it. What fun!
That's all for now. Have a great week!


Hey everyone, welcome to our blog. I'm going to work really hard to keep this updated so that all our family and friends can keep up with our crazy lives. This will also be a great way for everyone to keep up with the news and with how fast Braxton is changing.