Sunday, February 28, 2010

February updates

So, let's see here. There really hasn't been all that much going on with us boring grown ups. We got food poisoning last weekend from some scallops and that pretty much sucked, but otherwise it's just been life as normal.
Chris gets up and goes to work. He's still really liking the company and they (hopefully) are going to be doing raises in May. There's a possibility that he'll be sent to Costa Rica for a few weeks to train the team they have down there on the new program that they have been working on. Unfortunately, Braxton and I won't get to go unless we pay for it ourselves and we just aren't that rich. So Chris will get to spend weeks in a tropical paradise, and I'll get to be a single parent in Utah. Oh well.
I've been fine, just working my way through some Star Wars books and watching The West Wing. I love the first 2 seasons, and I finally caved and I'm going to watch the other seasons. I'm a couple episodes into the 3rd right now. Mostly I hang out with Braxton, and Kamis, Carmen and Dorie. It's really nice living in a place where I have friends, know my neighbors, and can walk just about anywhere I need to go. Now that the weather is changing, I'm going to try to take Braxton out to play or out for a walk every single day. It'll be good for us. I got a haircut on Friday, it's no longer curly, it's kinda shaggy and layered now. I'm still trying to decide if I like it...
Braxton has been growing like a weed! He's 33 inches tall and weighs just over 23 lbs now. He's walking like a champ and has even started running. He's got 6 teeth and 6 more coming in. Including molars. He hasn't been too incredibly cranky, cause we've been dosing him up with clove oil to help that.
He's so dang smart...he can name several body parts, his head, hand, nose, mouth, belly, foot and we're working on elbow and eye. He can find my eyes but not his own for some reason. I'm still not sure why. He's able to help me get him dressed and undressed. He's even started taking off his diapers! He says about 25 words now, maybe as many as 30, but understands a LOT more than that. Probably in the neighborhood of 100-120.
He's eating several new things, but bananas remain his favorite, and we've added green beans to that list. We still nurse at nap time and bed time and a couple times throughout the night as well.
I'm having a hard time believing that he's 14 months, actually a little more now. It's totally crazy how fast he's growing up.
Well, I'm done now, so I hope you all are well. Keep in touch and I'll see you next time!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Hey all,
Sorry that it's taken me so long. Things have been crazy. We've been living life like crazy here for the last month or so.
Chris has been busy at work with a new project and getting to work with a new team in Costa Rica. He's feeling much better, less asthma problems and no more flu. He's been spending lots of free time getting ready to go backpacking over the summer. He's putting together a list of everything that he needs. It's very comprehensive. He's doing a lot of research and looking at everything very carefully. He's way excited.
I've been busy just trying to keep up with my toddler. I spend my free time reading or watching TV. Once in a while I game or hang out online. I'm doing well, finally lost all my baby weight, so I'm feeling pretty good about that. Haven't been sick or anything like that. We're all still seeing Dr. Kristina for chiropractics and it's keeping us healthy.
Now for the one you all wait for...Braxton!
He's doing great. Getting SO big. Almost 23 lbs now and tall. He's walking great, starting to run even. He's got a huge vocabulary, about 25-30 words now. Most of what he says is still baby babble, but he talks a lot. He's learned what no means, even though he doesn't always listen. We're working on colors (he can say purple), body parts (he can find his nose, ear and toes), and computer skills. He's learning how to work the keyboard and mouse a little.
We got one lucky night, the end of Jan, when Kim came down, he slept through the night. 7 hours without a problem. So far...that has not been repeated. We're hopeful though.
Well, he's up from his nap, so this has to be cut short. Sorry it took so long and I hope I'll get with it eventually. I'll try to keep things up more.
Loves to all.